Solución Apague y Reinicie / Shutdown and restart solution
This is a very common solution and normally expressed as a joke to recognize the "Support Engineer" 's main activity: when someone needs to fix something in the computer and calls for support and the supporter says: "please restart your computer." This is not a nonsense solution, in fact if there are some smart question from the supporter and finally decides to tell the user please restart is because of this. Example of questions for a program that is not working on the computer: 1. Have you applied a recent update on the app? R/No 2. Someone else applied an update on your computer? R/No 3. When was the last time your app was working fine? R/A few minutes ago 4. Ok, if your computer is the same in configuration and it fails a few moments ago, it must be something about the operating system exahusted, I think you must restart your computer. R/I already did it, I restarted the computer. 5. Oh, ok, so you are now opening the program and it's still fail...