My fake friend the general / Mi amiga falsa la general

A few days ago I was contacted by unexpected chat user. That user was asking my friendship I checked her profile and found nothing besides he/she is from Afghanistan. So I asked her about details from him/her life: -What do you do for living? --I'm a general in my country. -Then why are you talking to me? --Don't be afraid my dear... At that moment I told him/her: -I don't believe who you say you are, I'm closing this chat bye. I assume that person was trying to reach me for very weird reason and thinking in how is this world in these moments, I decided to do not talk to that user anymore. But recently I received the same invitation, with another rare name from Afghanistan too, and the picture of the profile was a person with army uniform. I was a little curious about it, so I asked this user: me-Who are you? her--Am General from Afghanistan me-general is your name? her--you can see my name there Gen Kh***** (I omit the rest of the name for respe...