
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 16, 2012

DoEvents in WPF vb.net

If you need to refresh the screen after a task has been accomplished, this method is easy to implement: (Si necesita actualizar la pantalla luego de que una tarea fue ejecutada, este es un método fácil de hacerlo) Public Shared Sub DoEvents ( ByVal dispatch As Dispatcher ) dispatch. Invoke ( New Action ( AddressOf DoEventsHandler ) , DispatcherPriority. Background ) End Sub   Private Shared Sub DoEventsHandler ( ) End Sub  to call this Method you can use: label1.text="Starting process" DoEvents( Application .Current.Dispatcher) 'Big process starting here . . label1.text="Second process" DoEvents( Application .Current.Dispatcher) 'Second Big process starts . . Based on http://www.toove.com/archives/70

failed to create. Operating system error 5(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105)

failed to create. Operating system error 5(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105) This error means that the SQL Server is trying to access a file in a restricted folder, just add the proper permissions to grant access to the file. Este error significa que SQL Server está intentando accesar un archivo en un directorio restringido, basta con adicionar los permisos apropiados para que se pueda accesar el archivo.