This algorithm is easy to resolve for some people, for other not so much. Every process successfully finished will be a good start for the next one. Algorithms normally are used to solve company's problems using the computer and software engineers perform exact solutions for them. For our life this algorithm must face the free will that we make everyday. So the results are different for everyone no matter if we apply the same algorithm. The interesting fact here is that life (our problem applied in that algorithm) has 2 exact realities: birth and death. What happen in the middle depends on each one of us. The algorithm to maintain a good life it is known by all human kind, the problem is we are living in a society that blind ourselves and we are aware of that. Este algoritmo es fácil de resolver para algunas personas, para otras no tanto. Cada proceso finalizado correctamente será un buen comienzo para el siguiente. Los algoritmos son normalmente usados para resolver probl...