12/21/2012 What to do? / Que hacer el 21/12/2012

As far I know, since 1983 a tons of people is announcing the end of the world, then 1986, 1990, 1994, 1996, 2000, 2011 and 2012 and these are just a few years of those announced, so 2012 is not the first or final year with this kind of announcement. But, Just in case you see something weird starting to happen in 12/21/2012, go home, try to stay with your family and do not run away, trying to escape from the unknown is worst than keep calm. Lets assume that a catastrophic event is comming, nothing we can do. So remain calm and help others to do the same. The panic is able to kill more people than any other thing. Hasta el día de hoy sé, que desde 1983 mucha gente viene anunciando el fin del mundo, luego 1986, 1990, 1994, 1996, 2000, 2011 y 2012 y eso que estos son solo unos de los años anunciados, así que 2012 no es el primero ni el último con esta clase de anuncios. Pero, en caso de que vea algo extraño pasando en 21/12/2012, váyase a casa, trate de estar con su familia...