
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 11, 2012

Merging Skype and Live Messenger / Uniendo Skype y Live Messenger

You can now download the new Skype , it allows you to merge your existing skype and live messenger accounts into one. First, enter your live messenger credentials when accessing skype, the program will let you choose to use your existing Skype Account or create a new one. Ahora puedes bajar el nuevo Skype , ya puedes unir tus cuentas existentes de skype y live messenger en uno solo. Primero, ingrese con sus credenciales de live messenger en skype, el programa le permitirá escoger usar su cuenta existente de skype o crear una nueva. Once you click on the proper button, you must write your skype account and password. Una vez de clic en el botón escogido debe escribir su usuario y clave de skype. Then Skype will merge your accounts. Ahora Skype unirá las cuentas. After this you will see your skype and live messenger accounts in the main screen of Skype. Después verá que se han unido sus cuentas y los contactos aparecen en la ventana principal d...

Are you ready to read minds? or share your thinking?

Your mind creates many thoughts in a split second, sometimes for many different things, and while doing that, you can achieve the solution of an old problem and also it's coordinating your body to perform a specific activity, and in the meantime it's thinking about a future event waiting to happen. And this is not affecting the 100% of its capacity. Even the owner of the brain is not able to completely isolate all their thoughts at a particular time. So what of all of these thoughts will come to read a "mind reader?" What place of the mind to initiate the mind reading? Our present mental capacity is unable to understand it. And while humans continue fighting to subdue the earth without thinking about the universe, we are limited to live here "locally". Now in this age of information is easy to travel the world through its news, the term "universal" can not be applied to anything that exists in our land. We are all here on earth, so "...