Game of the year 2013 from The Leyend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds / Video Juego del año 2013
It seems that all the video games get more interesting and captivate more to gamers when they are violent, killing other players is the most used feature. Certainly there are other games that don't involve violence with the same or maybe more success, but the violent video games can be easily attached with real life violent behaviors. A lot of killings are connected with the violent video games, but it is not only the game itself, it's the music, the environment displayed and the social status that represents to have the latest version or the equipment most expensive. Video games maybe are not intended to create violent personalities, but it does, everyday born a new problematic person associated to the games. The best game of the 2013 for gamespot is not the exception, there is a lot of killings to allow change level... the more you kill, the more power you have. Parece que todos los videojuegos se ponen más interesantes y cautivan más a los jugadores cuando son viole...