Who is the Star? // Quién es la estrella?

All of we were kids, trying to be like the "stars" of our age, movie and rock stars always are references in our life, most of us try to live like them. But what is the real teaching of these "stars"? Lying, Behavior problems, Drugs, Selfishness and NO respect for who did them "stars" US! And the main problem is because of US, we gave them power! power to have money and be Rich and do whatever they want, no matter what they do, they always return and we pay them to return. They never would have anything if we don't want, so, why we support all these disgusting behavior people? What we win? What are our children learning? Stars giving us bad behaviors examples everyday We are guilty for being supporting these people, they don't event want to know who we are. They laugh of their followers and live other life completely different because of their unlimited resources (Money). This way we will never have a good teaching of these persons. Th...