Information Age and our slavery because of it / Era de la información y nuestra esclavitud a causa de ella / 因为它的信息时代,我们的奴役

Several years ago the intelligence agencies had a lot of job trying to get information from civilians. They needed to invest a lot of money hiring spies to obtain pictures, records or videos. Since a few years, no more than 10, after social networks arrived, civilians started to share information day after day, initially barely text messages to specific targets using phone text messages - chat programs - irc - messengers, etc. , later social networks showed us an "improvement" that will allow us to share more than simply text messages, we could start to share pictures, later voice, later video, now we can share whatever digital media we want to. So, spies no longer need to go out to get information from civilians, just by a simple search on the net they will find almost anything needed. All these information is truly shared by the originators. If you see this scenario carefully, what are doing all news media? They just repeat whatever a Twitter, FB, etc. account is saying and...