Dishonest gay people? / ¿Gente gay deshonesta?

Why some gay people wait to "go out of the closet" until they reach the fame and fortune? easy, because they are dishonest with their followers. They don´t want to be caught before they become famous. Examples you can find around history and they keep doing the same. I don't have any problems with gay people, even I have some friends, but I always knew them that way, they are honest, they are not doing things pretending being straight, they show their real face. Not like these "Hollywood stars" that are "straight" while climbing positions, once in the top, they come out of the closet. Dishonest people.... It's not cool to do that, thinking in that all these "stars" have followers that always are being affected, specially children. (Yes all these celebs in the next pictures after being rich and famous "came out of the closet" and there are a lot more). ¿Por qué alguna gente homosexual espera hasta ganar la fama y la fortuna para...