My Octopus teacher. Finally it's a commercial movie.

After watching "My Octopus teacher" we think on the great adventure this guy had, being a friend with an octopus. But later we can realize than every moment that this person says "I could have intervened and help him (to the octopus)" but he didn't, it was because He was waiting for the result, He needed that another animal finally finished the life of the octopus, otherwise He would stay attached to the octopus more time (wasting time). And the movie must be ended to receive all those famous awards. Don't you think? I can say, another fake friend making money from the results and playing with our feelings. ****Español Después de ver "Mi profesor el pulpo" pensamos en la gran aventura que tuvo este tipo, siendo amigo de un pulpo. Pero luego nos damos cuenta que en todo momento que esta persona dice "Yo podría haber intervenido y ayudarlo (al pulpo)" pero no lo hizo, fue porque estaba esperando el resultado, necesitaba que otro animal fin...