
Mostrando entradas de octubre 9, 2011

Windows 7 is not shutting down - Windows 7 no apaga

Your computer is not shutting down? This happens often and it's frustrating. I made this program to solve this, this will turn off or restart your computer easily. Please note that this program is free and provided with no warranty under any circumstances. (Para computadores que no apagan. Hice este programa para que su computador apague de verdad, es un programa gratuito y se distribuye sin ninguna garantía) New version accept time in minutes to restart / turn off. The program shows a window with a list of the current processes running, you must be sure that you are ready to Restart or Turn off the computer before proceed. The program will close all those running programs quickly then will shut down or restart the pc. Please remember this is a free program, no warranty if you have any kind of problem after using it. This program runs on Windows XP, Vista, 7, 2008 Server and Windows 8  Click on the picture or the link below to get it. 1ra. Versión: http://bit.ly/nAtd...